Umbrellas For All Seasons

By Josephine Archibald

Umbrellas can be used for other purposes and not only protection from the rain or the blazing heat of the sun. Often-times, it could also be used for advertising. For example, a company may print its logo or name and sport it during outdoor events like carnivals or a golf competition. The use of umbrella can be traced back to the colonial years, but it was all about accessorizing oneself through it. They don't only shield us from UV rays on a hot day, or guard us from downpour on a wet day, but it could also "speak" for us. It's all about function versus fashion.

Some people do not really notice the difference between both terms, but there is actually a distinction, and that is the material that is being used for both items.

Some parasols are not water-resistant, hence, if used to shield one from rain, the item gets wet. Parasols are sometimes used with patio tables or other outdoor furniture. On the other hand, umbrellas are almost exclusively hand-held and easy to carry and put inside your bags, but this doesnt mean though that parasols can not be hand-held, because most times, they are also made to be portable and hand held.

2. Blue - please don't confuse it with the wrong message. Blue won't make you feel blue. It actually uplifts your spirit just like the clear blue skies we see on a really fine day.

The term bumbershoot is a fanciful term Americans used during the late nineteenth century. Since most brollies these days are used as an accessory, it is quite pleasant and fanciful to choose to carry one in specific colors.

Even if we are not looking forward to seeing the rain, seeing it makes us feel the nature that surrounds us. A blue day is definitely not gloomy with a sky blue umbrella because the color lightens our mood and cheers us up in some way.

Seeing that custom umbrellas are used as promotional items, using them for your publicity or just to call the attention of anyone is a good idea too. You can make your umbrellas interesting by putting cartoon characters or by writing your initials on it or decorating your initials with a monogram. The handle should also be customized if the umbrella top is. Your umbrella is a good piece to flaunt your fashion.

Did you know that so many countries feature the umbrella as part of their history? In the Middle East, the parasol is frequently included in the Nineveh. As noted in one of their sculptures, an attendant would be holding a parasol over the head of a King on his chariot.

In Egypt, there were several types of items that would constitute a parasol. One time it would be noted that a flagellum, or a fan of palm leaves or colored leaves with a long stick is used to protect the princess. At times, a parasol would be seen in ancient drawings held over a figure of a god who is being carried on a procession.

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