Take Charge of Your Future with Your Own Carpet Cleaning Franchise

By Greg Lucas

There is nothing worse than going into work and getting called into the boss' office first thing in the morning. This is never a good sign, especially when it is on a Monday or a Friday. They smile awkwardly and tell you that you have been a great employee, but your position has been eliminated. Instead of falling victim to depression, take charge of the situation and consider going into business with a carpet cleaning franchise.

You can make these current economic conditions work for you by taking advantage of a great franchise opportunity. Professional carpet cleaners are in high demand right now. People want quality carpet cleaning service at a good price and now is a great time to get started. Owning your own business allows you to be in control of your own hours and income.

It seems as though everyone that you talk to that has been laid off is trying to start their own small business. If you have been laid off or are just looking for a change, you are going to need to look into something that will have low up-front costs and allow you to make a profit right away in order to keep your head above water. A carpet cleaning franchise may be just what the doctor ordered.

Secondly, you will need to adhere to the rules and standards set by the parent company. Since you will be using the company's name, business logos, and reputation to get your new business up and running, you will want to make sure you represent the head company as best as possible. You may want to hire a lawyer and an accountant in the beginning to make sure your business plan is on track and everything is covered. More new businesses fail because of common oversights that happen during the beginning stages than anything else.

A carpet cleaning franchise is one of the best and least complicated businesses to open. Typically, you only need a company-issued vehicle and the cleaning equipment and supplies that you can buy directly from the parent company. You typically won't have to rent an office building and you can take calls from customers on a separate business line right at home. Since this is a service-based business rather than a product-based business, there won't be a whole lot of overhead to eat away your start-up capital.

Since you are going with a franchise, you will have the benefit of all of the advertising that they do for the company nationally, but you may also want to beef things up locally. You can do this by having a couple of websites that explore the different aspects of the carpet cleaning business. For instance, you may not only want to have a site about carpet cleaning, but also do one on tile cleaning, furniture cleaning and leather cleaning as well.

After you have your different websites up, have all of your training done and are ready to go, it is time to make money. However, do not ever forget that your customers are the reason that you are able to stay in business. You need to keep them happy and make them feel special or you risk losing them to the competition. Pricing is important, but it is customer service that makes the difference.

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