Anniversary Rings To Make Your Day Extra Special

By Amy Carrington

When it is the time to celebrate the amount of time you have been married to your loved one you will want something special to mark the occasion. Other people will buy things for you, but what should you get for your partner from yourself, well one great alternative to the usual are anniversary rings. You don't have to replace the rings you already wear that mark your anniversary and engagement; you just add another to show that your love is still ongoing.

It is a fact that the divorce rates are a lot higher than they have ever been before, this could be down to a number of reasons, but those who continue to be married and are very much in love have a lot to celebrate. Even though you don't have to get rid of your rings you already have, what some people may wish to do, especially those that have been married a while is to update the rings you have, maybe your style has changed. You could wear the rings you have already around your neck and of course closer to your heart on a long chain.

You will find that although there are many different designs and styles to choose from a traditional anniversary ring will have a pattern or have set in it diamonds or stones that continue all around the band of the ring, which symbolizes the ongoing love between two people.

There are certain stones that represent the years of anniversaries, for example if it is a year since you have been married then the most traditional gift would be gold but an alternative to this would be period. After you have been married ten years the gift that is most traditional would be a diamond or an alternative would be a blue sapphire.

If you would prefer you can go for a ring that does not have precious jewels you could perhaps have the date you were wed, or a message that is precious to you engraved.

Obviously whether you choose to have stones, a pattern or just go for something plain with an engraving on the inside is up to you, but it will definitely make a special keepsake that will mark this special occasion for you both.

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