Identifying a Yeast Infection - Symptoms and Treatments

By Danielle Clement

A fungal infection, a yeast infection happens when the fungus Candida multiplies too much. It is an organism that naturally occurs but held in balance by good bacteria and a strong immune system. Sometimes if a body is undergoing hormonal changes like menstruation or pregnancy, or some drugs or some personal habits can negatively affect the chemical balance of the body leading to the overgrowth of the fungus. It can affect men and women but in particular women as over 75% will suffer from a vaginal yeast infection in their lifetime.

The symptoms can be pretty hard to deal with, the worst of which for most is the itching. Many complain the itching can get so bad it has a direct impact on their lives and whether they are able to leave the house. Other symptoms that can happen are a discharge that has an unpleasant odor and is clumpy, thick and white. Around the labia the skin becomes irritated and red which can mean there is discomfort or even pain when urinating. Even the vulvae can become itchy and swollen.

Whichever symptom or symptoms you may experience they are all unpleasant and demand attention and relief. There are several things you can do to get this relief, over the counter treatments or visit your doctor for a prescripted treatment. Drug or even grocery stores have creams and ointments that can help rebalanced the area and lower the itching and irritation.

The third option is one growing in popularity because of its effectiveness, ease of use and low cost! Home remedies offer a chance of relief as well, garlic can be inserted or eaten and heals with its anti-fungal properties. Yogurt replaces any good bacteria you are missing that help rebalance (just make sure it is probiotic, plain yogurt). Also a warm bath with apple cider vinegar added is good to soak in to sooth those symptoms away.

Of course the ideal thing to do would be not getting the fungal infection in the first place! To cut down the risk to yourself think about drinking plenty of water each day, cut out yeasty foods and in particular avoid sugary foods as sugar feeds the yeast. Also women should try to cut down on wearing pantyhose and other tight clothing as well as making sure their underwear is made of cotton because it allows the air to circulate and the skin to breathe. Yeast loves it dark, warm and damp so tight clothes promote those conditions. Finally sleep well so that the immune system is kept strong and is able to fight infection.

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