Simple Tips To Get Your Ex Back If She Wants More Space

By Howey Lacus

Your relationship seemed good: you could talk about anything, you spent quality time together, and you never argued. Then a few days later, your girlfriend dropped a bomb: she requires more space. And suddenly your perfect relationship is over and youre left alone.

What was going on? The unexpected break up leaves you asking your heart and wondering if you did some mistakes. If you want your girlfriend back, the first thing you need to do is let your girlfriend have the space she needs.

Your girlfriend may have some reasons to need more space, but its useless to waste time over-analyzing her reason. When the time has come, she will tell you the reason. Many girlfriends find they suddenly need space because of problems with family or friends, personal issues, or even a fear of commitment if the relationship was progressing too rapidly.

Instead of obsessing over your girlfriends reason for needing space, focus on winning her back. Take this approach to ensure success:

Dont beg your girlfriend to come back or crowd her with emotional messages. That will just make her feel like she needs even more space. Have some dignity and play it cool.

On the other hand, dont entirely ignore your girlfriend. Just because she needs space doesnt mean she wants to be left alone. Send her a text message or call her every once in a while just to check how shes doing. Keep the conversations short and simple.

When you give her the space she needs, while showing her that you still want to save the relationship, she will start to reach out to you more. This gives you the chance to bring up good memories during your conversations and reminisce a little bit. Dont discuss negative experiences or ask her to tell you why she broke up with you. Keep it comfortable so that she can relax around you.

After some time, if your ex girlfriend is not responding to your approach, and in fact keeps pushing you away more, you need to re-evaluate. Its possible that she just really is not interested in you anymore. On the other hand, perhaps she needs more space and you should back off some more. Ideally, however, she will be expressing more interest in you and calling you more. In this case, you can take things to the next level and start working on rekindling the relationship.

Finally, if you are getting some obvious signals of interest from your ex girlfriend, open up to her. Let her know how you feel, but tell her in a simple, direct way. Dont act desperate or clingy"that will just sabotage all your hard effort up to this moment. And if you have read the signals back, then this will be the time when you get your ex girlfriend back. Because you gave her the space she needed, your relationship will probably be better than ever before.

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