Physical Fitness Tests Importance

By Jesse Regan

A physical fitness test is an effective method of finding out a persons health and physical abilities. Through it, he is required to perform a battery of exercises and routines that would gauge his strength, agility, flexibility and endurance; the four factors of physical fitness. Such tests are normally implemented by organizations and agencies that give priority to ones physical conditions. The military and the police demand these from their recruits. Athletic clubs and organization have also set these as standards for drafting potential players.

Tests on cardio, usually, require you to jog a distance or time in order to find out how your endurance is. Some routines on weight training may also be performed such as pull-ups to measure your strength. Short sprints and long jumps are also done to determine your agility. If you wish to get a more comprehensive reading though, try performing all four types of tests.

Through a physical fitness test, one is able to point out his strengths and weaknesses. Because there are different routines to be done depending on the four factors, one can see which area he must develop. Of course, one can start a fitness program even without it. However, he may just be putting emphasis on the areas he already is good in while neglecting those that needs to be developed.

After a conclusion is reached regarding ones fitness in the different factors, a fitness program can be designed or developed to suit ones condition. If the test shows that one has to work more on his endurance, then his fitness program would naturally put emphasis on cardiovascular training. If his strength, on the other hand, needs to be enhanced then weight training would be given importance. This does not, however, mean that other routines will no longer be necessary.

Physical fitness tests are also conducted for medical purposes. As a form of diagnostic testing, doctors sometimes prescribe a patient to perform some routines in order to find out how vital organs such as the lungs and the heart react to exertion. They would let a patient run on the treadmill for a certain time while they monitor the heartbeat rate and blood pressure. There are also cases when a patient recovering from bone or muscle injury will be asked to lift weights in order to find out the degree of healing.

Physical fitness tests have become part of most schools curriculum and requirement. This is necessary in order to find out the physical condition of every student and to create a suitable fitness program, especially giving consideration to those who have physical limitations. This has even more become important today as the cases of obesity among primary and high school students have increased at alarming rates. To introduce the youth to an active and healthy lifestyle, fitness tests have to be conducted regularly.

That's how online information about fitness video are.

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