The Significance Of Gold Color

By Jack Wogan

From the early times, gold was the metal of the kings suggesting power, warmth, strength and even courage. It is said that easel at the same time with color. Each object has its own function, shape, color and use. Well, with gold, everything is true, except for color. It is a painter played one day and he added a little bit from each color from his easel.

The natural color was yellow, the symbol of wisdom, the representative of pure energy. It is as if the yellow gold was a father who gave birth to all the other colors of gold.

Nevertheless, it was the appropriate time for a new change and what color would be better to describe the new beginnings if not green. Copper, silver and Palladium sat on the throne next to gold and empowered the green gold with the power of inspiring energy to the one who wears it, having also healing powers.

The other metals wanted to have supremacy as well, but copper seemed more powerful. A larger amount of copper turned the gold purple and received the powers to inspire peace. It remains somehow in the sphere of mysticism.

Purple is always associated with meditation, with mysticism and it is said to be the ideal color. For some buyers, this might be the perfect type of gold.

But the brush wanted something different again and this time it was something strong. The black gold was endowed with mystery, with the power of convincing people walk on new, dangerous paths.

In fact, all these mixtures are precious. No matter what type of gold is preferred, being it white, red, rose, blue or purple, the very first thing to take into account is that it is a precious metal, one which is never going to devalue so, nothing would be more profitable for those who wants to invest money but to buy it.

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