When To Get That Unusual Gift To Present To A Wonderful Friend

By Connor Sullivan

For many people, trying to find something unusual to give as a gift can prove to be very difficult. There is a relatively new idea on the market, which is taking the world by storm, and that is to have a portrait artist create a lovely portrait painting of a suitable subject.

In the past, it could be prohibitively expensive to get this done. Many hours would be spent, by the artisan, drawing and sketching out the outline of the person, and then all this would be filled in with paint. Putting paint on canvas can take a clever painter a long time if the subject has to keep correcting points, like eye color or pose etc. These days, none of these problems exist, because the artisan does the painting from a photograph.The photograph is sent off to the artist by email, with some guidelines included about the eye color, color of clothes etc highlighted so that there are no mistakes. Once the artisan has got the rough draft ready, he sends a copy back to the proposer to check that everything is proceeding as required. It really does not take very long for this to happen because the artisan wants to present a perfect portrayal at the end of the assignment.

When the work is finished, a beautiful frame can be chosen to finish the whole effect and then the finished article is wrapped and sent to the appropriate address. This would make a great surprise present for grandparents, parents, or anyone with a special date coming up. Even houses and landscapes can be produced in this same way and is a good idea for preserving the image for posterity. A portrayal of a valley, with the family home nestled amongst the trees, would make a superb gift for those who miss the family home too much.

These kinds of gifts do not cost an arm and a leg, depending on the size, so they make great gifts for weddings too. Imagine the bride and groom receiving lovely 'oil on canvas' image of their wedding day, in a very wonderful place, to hang over the proverbial fire place. These are not the digitalized impressions that some people produce passing them off as the real thing, this really is a human artist doing the work and it shows in the finished product.Some families have a formally posed family photo made into a painted image to give to grandparents etc. One is done about every five to ten years to represent the children growing and seems to be far nicer than just sticking photos in an album. It may be because these articles are meant to be hung for the family to appreciate them, and not pushed to the back of the closet somewhere.

So the next time anyone is thinking about buying some extra special gifts, this could be just the answer that everyone is looking for. Reasonably price, very convenient, and delivered to wherever the customer wants. There are not many unique gifts on the market that will fit the bill so perfectly.

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