Is Santa Bringing You A Stun Gun For Christmas?

By Jim Wilkinson

Can you imagine the look on your wife's face Christmas morning when you are all sitting around the Christmas tree and she opens her first gift from you? With a smile on her face she hurriedly unwraps the present and gets to see the thoughtful gift you bought her. She finally finishes opening it and there is .... a Stun Gun?... or a TASER C2?

After she looks at you with that look in her eye that says, "Did I marry a moron, or what?", let her know that the reason you bought her the gift was because you love her. You truly want to keep her safe. Her look will soften as she understands that you really gave some thought into buying her this gift.

Self defense products are great Christmas gifts. Could your daughter that is off to college use one? Of course. How about your girlfriend, wife, significant other? Sure. It is unlikely that you could buy any other gift that will have the same impact. First, it will instill confidence for the person knowing they can protect themselves and second, this gift could actually save the life of your loved one.

The nice thing about giving a self defense product as a gift, and it does not have to be just for Christmas, is that they are all relatively inexpensive. A personal alarm that emits an ear shattering siren when activated should cost less then $30.00. A really nice, and I mean REALLY nice stun gun will cost less than $100. At the top end of the price scale is the TASER C2. That self defense product will run you about $350.00.

Within recent years manufacturers of self defense items have kept women in mind during the design phase. That stylish Taser C2 comes in several different attractive colors, such as Hot Pink! They have made stun guns that look just like a tube of lipstick. For the woman jogger or walker they have even made walking weights with pepper spray hidden inside. Nice to have when it an empty park all by yourself.

Remember all those Christmas gifts you either gave or received, that of course were very nice at the time, but shortly thereafter you never even looked at again? Or worse yet, forgot where you put it. That will not happen with a personal protection product gift. You can rest assured that the gift that you give will be very appreciated and most importantly actually be used.

You do not have to make that yearly trip to the local shopping mall on Christmas Eve trying to grab whatever gifts are left for your loved one. Buy a self defense product early.

Believe me, they will thank you for it.

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