Car History Of The Electric Vehicle

By Mick Buick

Some people wonder about car history and how the cars they drive were built and where they originated. An internal combustion engine uses an explosive combustion of fuel to push a piston and then the piston will turn the crankshaft and in turn this makes the wheels turn. The most common fuels used in a car are Gas, diesel and yes even kerosene.

Then sometime around eighteen forty two two men by the names of Thomas Davenport and Robert Davidson built a more successful and practical electric vehicle. Both of these men figured out a way to make the first non-rechargeable electric cells. Around eighteen sixty five a french man named Gaston Plante invented a much better battery which in turn made way for electric vehicles to go much further.

This steam car had to stop every ten or fifteen minutes because it had to build up steam. The steam engine and the boiler that were on this car were places in the front of it. In the year seventeen seventy Cugnot built a remake of his original but this time it held four passengers instead of one.

Then in the year of seventeen seventy one Cugnot was in a wreck and he hit a brick wall. This made Cugnot the very first person in history to ever have a motor vehicle accident. This was only the beginning of his bad luck because one of Cugnot's friends died and one was exiled. After all of this trouble that he went through his money was depleted and he stopped trying to better the motor vehicle.

The electric vehicles that were around in nineteen o' two were nothing more than just electric horseless carriages. The Wood's Phaeton could only go fourteen miles per hour and it cost only two thousand dollars. But this was a lot of money back in the nineteen hundreds. Around nineteen sixteen Woods made a hybrid car and it had an internal combustion engine and also an electric motor.

After Cugnot was done with his inventions several other people invented steam powered vehicles. A french man names Onesiphore Pecqueur decided to not only improve Cugnot's vehicle but he also made the first differential gear. Then in seventeen eighty nine there was finally a patent for a steam powered land vehicle and this was given to Oliver Evans.

In eighteen seventy three until eighteen eighty three Amedee Bollee Sr. Started building really advanced steam vehicles. And then in eighteen seventy one a professor of physics that worked at the Wisconsin State University built a working steam car and it won a two hundred mile race. This was the first car in history to ever win a race. With all the people that tried to build and patent a new vehicle that would be more costly and energy efficient its a wonder why it took them so long to finally come up with something as good as we have today.

There is so much history to the steam powered car. It's surprising to know that steam powered stage coaches were made and then at one point banned from the roads. There were a lot of people that tried to invent and improve the steam powered car until finally around the nineteen hundreds electric land vehicles were invented and made the steam powered vehicles obsolete.

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