How Affiliate Programs Benefit Both Parties

By Justin Harrison

Some companies offer what is called an affiliate program. These programs are also known as associate programs, partner programs, reseller and sponsor programs.

Affiliate programs are a way for companies to offer a share of their revenue with merchants who chose to participate in their program. Affiliate members bring in new contacts for the company by generating traffic via advertising. As an online affiliate a website will generate new sales, leads and other types of contacts for a company by posting ads for that company on their web page. Affiliate programs on the web are very popular now, because they require virtually no upkeep to maintain. Almost every major company on the Internet now offers an affiliate program.

Latest web technology has enabled the affiliate marketers to get their statistics and income figures the moment they make an affiliate sale. It is now possible to use companies like PayPal for payment and receipt processing.

This has highly curtailed the time that an affiliate marketer needs to wait for his payments to be collected from the merchants. Today, both the merchants and the affiliates can see clearly that affiliate marketing can work for both of them. The merchant sees affiliate marketing today as the chance to advertise their products at a lower cost. The affiliates, on the other hand, sees affiliate marketing as an easy way of earning profits online by doing what they like most, and that is by creating websites.

Just as the reputation of affiliate marketing has gone up, similarly the attitude of people has enhanced with respect to affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is no more regarded as an inferior method of marketing by the merchants or as a secondary source of income by an affiliate marketer. Both merchants and affiliates regard affiliate marketing as a main source of profits and revenues.

So the question now is what type of affiliate marketing will work best for you? Are all affiliate marketing programs the same? Are the benefits the same? Or are there affiliate marketing programs that work better than the others?

As with all areas of marketing there are several degrees of differences between affiliate programs. Finding what works best for you of course, depends on what kind of customer base you deal with. Another factor in determining how profitable it may be for you is to look at how much traffic or exposure your own website has. Obviously site with high traffic will generate more customers in an affiliate program than one that does not. In addition the programs themselves vary on methods of payment. There are three general categories affiliate programs use to generate income. There is the pay-per-click method (PPC), the pay-per-play method (PPP) and pay-per-performance method (PPP). Knowing your client base will greatly help you in determining which of these would work best for your site.

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