Ways To Your Manifesting Desires

By Kiri Sparr

An increasingly important topic today in the scientific community is manifesting desires. A once laughed at topic, manifesting desires is a concept gaining more credibility among the scientific community and the intelligentsia. As a matter of fact, quantum physicists are at present taking this particular subject much more seriously than ever before. It is they that believe it is possible to actually turn fantasy into reality. It is interesting to note that this entire concept was at one time so ridiculed that it was impossible for many intellectuals to take this concept seriously. Not so today.

When trying to manifest what you desire, there are certain techniques and steps that will allow you to do this more efficiently. Before we begin it is important to stress that you need to be 100% clear on what it is that you desire because without this knowledge no amount of manifesting or secret tools will get you the results you desire.

The first technique I am going share with you is visualization. By visualizing what it is that you want you, are reinforcing your thoughts which as we have already established are powerful tools in themselves. Visualization can be done by creating a vision board, a collage of photos and pictures that represent what it is you desire. Looking at your vision board daily lets you focus your thoughts on your goals and this in turn sends out energy into the universe that adds up daily. Sending out clear energy waves will ensure that your desires become a reality.

It is a necessary truth that you believe strongly in your ability to make your dreams a reality, that you believe strongly in yourself as a person. Being strong-willed is a must, and that you also hold strong to the belief that you have the ability to actually transform yourself as a person. This new you will also believe that wonderful things can happen to you.

Essential to understanding this concept is one's ability to learn how to manifest the segment intending. This concept works in that it allows you to predict the future, one that you long for, and as a result enables you to create the life you would like. The concept of segment intending works in that you segment each part of your day out, doing so as you move from one aspect of your day to another. An example is from when you drop your kids off at school to when you arrive at work. Dropping your kids off at school is one segment and the second can be your arrival at work.

Know what it is that you wish to do within each segment. Picture a nice meal, with good conversation in an elegant setting. By holding on strongly to this desire you will as a result turn this into fact. Manifesting desires is that simple. Then picture accomplishing a great deal when you return to work soon after.

Taking these simple steps will allow the energy to be released into the universe and then the laws of attraction come into play.

The above is a clear explanation of manifesting desires. Know for certain what your desires are, believe strongly in your desires, understand fully that they are possible to achieve. Picture it, segment each situation within the day. A dream is filled with energy that can, with a little bit of mental concentration, becometruth.

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