The General Idea Of Extra Sensory

By Lee Williams

There are so many people making money by listing horoscopes and claiming they can tell another person exactly how their lives are going to turn out, in exchange for a fee. So many people have the wrong idea of how to use extra sensory, that many people have fallen victim to these known psychic's because everyone does not realize that each person which has a soul has the ability of extra sensory.

Extra sensory acquired the name extra attached to sensory, because for most everyone has five physical senses. The extra comes into the light when a person can prove that there are more senses than that deal with the brain, and not just physical senses. This is one of the biggest misconceptions of all time. These psychic senses known as extra sensory are not extra, but in reality are there but not used by the majority of those souls throughout the world.

There are six senses associated with extra sensory. Everyone of these six senses are associated with locations on the body versus the physical senses which are associated with actual parts of the body. A common term for extra sensory is when someone is referred to as having a sixth sense. This is not a true assumption by far, when in reality there are six psychic senses by them selves which make up the extra sensory team.

This is because a child speaks honestly about any given situation. As a child progresses to a teenager, or young adult, the amount of honesty diminishes for the simple fact that as a child gets older, parents, siblings, and other authorities are in dire competition to gain their childhood control, thus, manipulating what a child has said into the comment not being the right thing to say.

In most cases, other adults do not realize the damage which is being done, when giving unknowingly wrong advise about a situation to a child, because the adult is side tracked by their own personal distractions such as paying bills, relationships and the stresses of every day life.

In reality, if hearing protection is not worn, even when the decibels of the which creates an almost undetectable sounds which are very low, the hearing will become impaired. Thus, the individual did not get used to the sound, the hearing sense has lost the ability to hear the low decibel hum.

Since everyone comes out of the womb in gods image, the image meaning the abilities that fall into the categories of extra sensory. However, since everyone does not make the same choices as the physical bodies become adults, if a child lives to adulthood has a major impact on whether or not a person can develop and use extra sensory skills.

Extra sensory senses live as long as a spiritual soul lives, which when a child of god lives eternally, there is the explanation for eternal life. The life is not physically, like some interpret, but extra sensory abilities live eternally.

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