An Insight Into How To Learn Telepathy

By Richard P Minks

When you send or receive emotions or thoughts directly from your mind to another's this is called telepathy. Telepathic communication is a link between the minds of two people in which ideas can be exchanged without using any of the five physical senses. Anyone can learn telepathy with practice; it's something which is innate in all mankind.

You've more than likely already used your natural telepathic abilities before even if you were unaware of it. All of us have had the experience of thinking of someone only to find them getting in touch with you shortly after.

This wasn't a coincidence. What happened is that you or the other person initiated some sort of telepathic contact and there was an exchange of thoughts or feelings which one of you sent and the other received.

Usually, they have unconsciously sent you their thoughts telepathically and you received them with the result that this person comes to mind. You may have had the same experience in reverse as well; you call someone who you haven't talked to in some time and find them completely unsurprised to hear from you.

A lot of people think that telepathy is entirely mythical and even if not, they think that they couldn't learn how to use this ability themselves. In most cases, they have some sort of mental block whether this is a religious belief that telepathy belongs to the realm of black magic or the thinking that since there is no definitive proof of the phenomenon that it therefore could not possibly be real.

Others think that if telepathy was important that the ability would come to us more easily. Of course, this argument doesn't add up; it's not as if we're born knowing how to speak the language which we think of as our mother tongue. The idea that telepathy is without value is just as misguided as the opinion that this and other psychic abilities are the handiwork of the Devil. Telepathic communication and verbal communication can be thought of as the two sides of the same coin.

Spoken language and telepathy fit together to make a whole. Neither can communicate the entire range of human experience and emotional states by themselves, but when you know how to use both, you can enhance your interpersonal relationships and live a richer life.

Developing your telepathic communication abilities has a number of benefits. It is literally learning a sixth sense and lets you communicate in a more direct and intimate way with those around you. While it's not hard to learn telepathy per se, it does take practice like acquiring any new skill.

The best way to learn telepathy is by practicing with a partner. Ideally, this would be a close friend who you have known for a long time and who is as interested in you as learning telepathy. You can encourage each other to develop your skills; like learning a new language, it's easier to do with a friend.

Your practice sessions should be done with you at your home and your partner at theirs. This keeps you from picking up on facial expressions and other cues. Make sure that you're both relaxed and free of stress before you begin; this will facilitate your communications.

One of you needs to go first and try to clearly visualize your partner. Visualize a connection between the two of you; many people find a beam of light to be a helpful image to concentrate on.

Use this link to send a thought or an image. Send simple signals to begin with which are clear and easy to understand; but complex enough that it would be hard to guess.

Call your partner after you send your signal to compare notes. Find out what they have received and assess how successful your telepathic transmission has been. You should both them take a brief rest and then try again, with your partner now being the sender.

You do need to be patient as you learn telepathy; it takes time to learn this skill and it's important not to let yourself get frustrated if it doesn't always work. If you dont think your transmission has been successful after 15 minutes, take a break and try again later. Otherwise, you'll just wear yourself out.

Learning telepathy takes practice, patience, persistence and positivity. Don't give up and you'll start being able to use your telepathic abilities soon enough and a whole new world will be open to you.

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