Knowing About Stomach Cancer Symptoms

By Anna Mortis

At first, stomach cancer symptoms are very mild and may go unnoticed for some time. They may be so slight that they are ignored for some time before cancer is discovered and diagnosed. Stomach cancer can become good sized before there are any symptoms of this disease.

In its early stages stomach cancer symptoms are much like those which are experienced from a peptic ulcer. Therefore, it can remain masked for some time before it can be treated. Early intervention is imperative. If any of the following symptoms are experienced see a physician as soon as possible. A doctor can confirm or deny the presence of stomach cancer. If you are experiencing early stomach cancer symptoms treatment can begin as soon as possible. The sooner treatment can begin the more likely there will be a full recovery.

Early signs of stomach cancer may be as mild as a little bit of nausea which may temporarily go away with over the counter medication. Indigestion is also common with early symptoms of stomach cancer. Some complain of mild stomach discomfort. Bloating shortly after eating is also commonly reported with early stomach cancer symptoms.

Heartburn is also one of the early symptoms of stomach cancer. At first it is treatable with an over the counter antacid. Ii will grow worse as the condition goes untreated or as the cancer continues to grow.

Sometimes early symptoms of stomach cancer are overlooked because they seem so slight, or simple. For instance a loss of appetite may not get your attention until there is no appetite for an extended period of time. By then the cancer has largely progressed.

Reporting early symptoms of stomach cancer to a health care professional is important. Treatment is essential to recovery. The treatment options in the early stages of stomach cancer rely on a few factors. One of the main factors is the present health of the individual who has stomach cancer. It is also important for the physician to find out exactly where the cancer is located. Treatment options also depend on which stage the cancer is in.

In the early stages of stomach cancer a surgeon may need to remove the affected section of the stomach. Sometimes rather than a partial gastrectomy the entire stomach may need to be removed. This removal will include the tissue and lymph nodes around the stomach area.

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