Have a Bucket List? Visit to Peru to See What You can Do.

By Dave Bouskill

Everyone at one point or another has taken the time to make a life list. The inspiring and fantastic movie with Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman The Bucket List illustrated an amazing journey for two aging men that decided to take their life by the reigns and actually start checking off the things that they wanted to see and do. If you have started your own "Bucket List" and don't know where to begin checking them off, a great country to start at is in Peru. Not only is it an exotic and fascinating historical destination, it also has many exciting and adventurous things to do.

Filled with incredible scenery, famous sights and offering several adrenaline filled activities Peru is the perfect choice to start checking off the things that you have always wanted to see and do but were too afraid to try. It doesn't take long before you have actually made it through a large chunk of your list during your stay.

Machu Picchu is at the top of most peoples list. If there is one thing that you must see in your life is one of the greatest ruins on the planet and this one is as good as it gets. Located in the Andes Mountains it is a mesmerizing Inca Ruin top a 2500 meter mountain. Take in the sight as you sit on another peak overlooking Machu Picchu and try to imagine how it was built over 600 years ago with no technology. Make sure to arrive early to beat the crowds and feel the magic as the cloud and mist burns off. Machu Picchu consists of 200 buildings that terrace down the side of a steep mountain leading in to the deep valley below. Whether you hike the Inca Trail visit Macchu Picchu, or take the train on a breathtaking journey through the Andes, you will not be disappointed.

Is sky diving at the top of your life list? People are often looking for something that will make them feel alive, something that will give them an adrenaline rush and thrill and something that is unique and exciting. If you are in Lima, head down to the waterfront of Mira Flores. You will see dozens of parachutes floating above the city. Just follow them and you will find a patch of grass on a high cliff overlooking the ocean. It is here that for just $20 you will be able to take a tandem jump off of the cliff to catch some air riding high over skyscrapers, the ocean and along Lima's coast.

Many people have never seen a desert. If you visit Peru, you will not only be treated to seeing an absolutely beautiful desert, but you will witness some of the largest sand dunes in the entire world. Take a dune buggy out to explore everything it has to offer. Don't drive yourself however as desert driving can be tricky. Hire a driver or take a tour and they will give you the thrill of your life. Racing at top speeds your will climb giant dunes only to plunge down a near vertical cliff into the valley below. Don't forget to try your hand at sand boarding while you are out there. Feel like a kid again as you roll down the gigantic dunes or use your board as a sled to zip to the bottom.

We all know about Oasis from movies and television, but how many people have actually seen one and stayed on its shores overnight. Huacachina is a village built around a natural lake in the middle of the desert called the Oasis of America. It is an incredibly beautiful location. There are only about 10 hotels most with swimming pools and the giant dunes right in your backyard. You can rent pedal boats to float around the small Oasis and spend the day relaxing by the waters edge taking in the incredible once in a lifetime opportunity.

Have you ever wanted to go to the Galapagos Islands or to the Antarctica to see wildlife? Well, while you are in Peru, you can visit Isla Ballestas and get a taste of what it would be like. This wildlife reserve is home to hundreds of sea lions and penguins. Take a boat out to these beautiful rock formations and witness wildlife int their natural setting. Birds by the millions inhabit their shores and you will be treated to the sea life playing and basking on the rocks. They are in a vast protected area, so they are not threatened by man, but make sure that your boat doesn't venture too close to the sea lions. Their exhaust and engines can really pollute the air and they can be loud. It is great to witness this spectacle, just have respect for the wild life.

One could write a book about all of the things there are to see and do in Peru. These are only a few suggestions to help you check off our life list. But there are many other things that you can do in this vast and interesting country. Take a trip to the rainforest and explore the jungle, hop on a flight over the mystical Nazca Lines. Nobody can explain how these giant etchings in the desert have survived for over 2000 years or why they are even there. Heat south to the Bolivian border and see famous Lake Titicaca, the highest navigable lake in the world, or climb one of Peru's many 5000 + meter mountains.

A life list is an amazing opportunity to go out there and live your life. If you are really wanting to jump start that list, take a trip to Peru and have the experience of a life time, it has everything that you could possible want to fulfill your dreams.

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