Affordable Halloween Costumes That Will Send You To The Winning Stage

By Susan West

We can become whoever we want to become on Halloween. It's the one day of the year where we can dare to be the characters in of our dreams. This holiday is all about having enjoyment and laughter. Kids and adults will admit to a spirit of fun as they don their Halloween costumes and prepare to eat all the extra sweets they're sure to have. Take advantage of this one day and make sure you take the time to select just the right costume. If you don't, things may not turn out so nice.

When else can grown men and women wear the ugliest, skimpiest, or scariest outfit in public without concern for the social repercussions? Get the most out of your holiday by choosing a Halloween costume you can fall in love with. Everyone has their own personalities, likes and dislikes. Use that during this evening of dress up! Do you idolize some eccentric celebrity or hardcore rock star? For one evening, shed your blouse or polo and khakis and don their trademark-studded leather!

Before you say yes to any particular costume, be sure it will work for where you're going. Every costume doesn't work for every place. Something too skimpy might concern your in-laws, while something too scary might scare the kids. Choose accordingly even though you want something on that you'll like as well.

If you really had your heart set on wearing it, then instead of repacking it and leaving it in your closet for another year, consider compromising with a pair of tights and a baby doll t-shirt underneath. You can still look beautiful, but appropriately so.

With some Halloween costumes, it is not so much about what it reveals than what it says. If your desired look makes an off-color statement, you may want to reconsider wearing it to the Halloween party with your future in-laws . Remember, even a party with your friends and peers may include children or older guests who find certain statements offensive. There is a time and a place, so be respectful to your host or hostesses' other guests.

Some Halloween costumes are positively immoveable. Sure, it looks amazing, that elaborate recreation of the Death Star from Star Wars. The one that encompasses you from neck to knees. However, are you going to be able to safely maneuver your fully operational battle station as you go for another glass of spiked punch? Rather than risk a spill, choose something less immense. A compromise to consider would be designing an outfit that folds down, or that you can remove and stow the cumbersome pieces after the ooh's and ahh's have quieted from your triumphant entrance.

When it comes to Halloween costumes, they need to be durable. The last thing you want is to end up frustrated because of your costume selection. You want all head pieces and masks to stay where they belong. Do what you can to ensure that you don't regret your selection.

A clever Halloween costume is going to be a wonderful conversation starter. Putting in a little time can make all the difference. There are certain outfits we see year after year. Sure, the occasional variation may make them stand out, but who do you really remember from last year's party? The guest who came in the watered down French Maid costume, or the one who dressed as Cher, full wig, makeup, microphone, the works, and was a guy!

Halloween costumes are one of the main things that make the holiday fun. This is the time to let go and dress up in any wild or crazy way you want. This is an opportunity that you shouldn't let pass. Plan it out, take your time, get ready early and have a ball this Holiday with an appropriate costume that you'll enjoy wearing! Edited by Glinda Zuladra

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